"What's in the Punch?" - An episodic short story written by QQ Staff.
"The Creature at the Midsummer Bonfire" - A poem by Thea Hartley
"It's in the Corner Again" - A poem by Allison Steele
"Towers Terror" - A radio play by QQ Staff.
and interviews with the poets and personal horror stories from our staff and faculty advisor.
Recorded by Hannah Brown, Eric Jones, and Jeremy Llorence.
Edited by Jeremy Llorence.
Performance Director - Ben Hoover.
"What's in the Punch? Intro" read by Ben Hoover
"The Joker" read by Ian Peloza
"The Creature at the Midsummer Bonfire" read by the poet, Thea Hartley
"The Unknown" read by Julian Friedman
"The Mermaid" read by Kandy Boakye
"It's in the Corner Again" read by Ben Hoover
"A Modern Gatsby" read by Quincy Shaindlin
"The Ninja" Read by Nate Dirkeson
"The Cenobyte" read by Ava Reid Gregory
"What's in the Punch? Conclusion read by Ben Hoover.
Cast for "Towers Terror":
Jeremiah - Ben Hoover
Terri - Nate Dirkeson
Sharron - Kandy Boakye
Tamantha - Ava Reid Gregory
"Like That" - Anno Domini Beats
"Voices in My Head" - Quincas Moreira
"No. 8 Requiem" - Esther Abrami
"The End" - Coyote Hearing
"Eureka" - Huma-Huma
"Elder Dilemma" - Freedom Trail Studio
"Ishikari Lore" - Kevin MacLeod*
"Argonne" - Zachariah Hickman
"Empire Seasons - Dan Henig
*"Ishikari Lore" by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100192
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
2021 QQ Halloween Podcast Spooktacular
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